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Sorted 3.8 is here with new widgets, shortcuts and more!

Marwan Elwaraki

Sep 17, 2021

Product Updates

Sorted 3.8 is here, and we're excited to show you all her new features. From new widgets to deeper integrations with the OS, this version of Sorted is ready to boost your productivity to the next level.

New widgets – and updates to our existing ones

We’ve got a bunch of new configurable widgets in Sorted 3.8.

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The new List and Tags Widgets offer the ability to see the information you want on the go. The widgets can be configured to show tasks from specific lists and tags including the Inbox list. They also come in a new XL size for iPadOS, giving you the ability to see more tasks at once on the larger iPad screen.

The Today widget also received a small revamp to make it more consistent with our current set of widgets. This includes the new XL size as well as a visual refresh.

These come in addition to our existing set of widgets released alongside iOS 14 that allow you to add, view and monitor tasks on the go.

Pro tip: stack Sorted’s widgets on top of each other for quick access to different widgets without using up much screen space!

Live Text for quick task entry

One of the most important aspects of any task management app is the ease of inputting in new data. iOS 15 introduced new tools enabling apps to capture text directly from the camera. Naturally, we quickly adopted this technology in Sorted to offer a fast and accurate method of adding new tasks.

Scan sticky notes and whiteboards to quickly add tasks using your camera

When adding a new task, select the Attachments icon and choose Text From Camera as an input method. This will present a camera window which can scan text and use it to create a new task.

If the text spans multiple lines, additional lines will be added as a note in the task.

Live Text enables the quick creation of tasks and notes without requiring you to touch your keyboard at all. We’re excited to hear your different use-cases for this new method of input. Share them with us on Twitter @SortedHQ.

Shortcuts to integrate with your workflow

We strongly believe that the future of productivity is a set of great integrated apps working together. People should feel free to use a combination of different apps that talk to each other, rather than ones that work in isolation. Doing so will give users the liberty to build their own seamless workflow of tools they love instead of having to duplicate work between a variety of apps.

Therefore we’ve added Shortcuts support with our first two actions today.

Shortcuts actions to add new tasks and events

The Add Task and Add Event actions offer granular customisability to suit your liking. Tasks can be configured to belong in different lists, have different tags and starting times. Events also have various customisable fields such as start time, duration and alerts.

We’ll be adding more actions in Shortcuts soon, so let us know which ones you’d like to see next!

More goodies

We’ve also included a bunch of new changes to round up the update:

  • Enhanced keyboard support and adopted the new iPad menu system
  • Quick Notes support on iPad
  • Notifications are marked as Time-Sensitive to give you the option to display them when in Focus mode
  • Notifications have new action icons for better visual appeal
  • The photo picker no longer takes up the whole screen (unless you want it to, in which case just slide it upwards)

We’re really excited for you to try out Sorted 3.8. The update is available on the App Store today!

Btw… our Twitter followers got an early look at some of these features 😏. If you don’t already, be sure to follow us on Twitter @SortedHQ to be the first to see what’s new in Sorted.

We also discuss changes and talk with users daily on our Slack channel. Join us there, we’d love to chat there with you too!

About the Author

Marwan Elwaraki

🇬🇧 United Kingdom

Marwan is an iOS developer with a passion towards running, building great apps, and tweeting your favourite memes.

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